Eyelash Extensions at Creative Designers

Eyes are the windows to the soul, so it’s important that they look good. In addition to keeping the eye moist and clear, you may also want to do some work on the eyelashes. Easily overlooked on their own, eyelash extensions can really make them stand out.

Eyelash extensions make your eyelashes thicker and more vibrant. They work to make your eyes bigger and more expressive. This is a popular beauty treatment around the world, along with hair highlights and waxing.

An eyelash extension is designed to last longer than temporary eyelashes, meaning that you won’t have to take them on and off every day. At our hair salon, we apply a single artificial lash to each natural one, so when the natural lash falls out, so will the extension.

If you’re interested in eyelash extensions, shellac nails, Brazilian blowout, or other beauty treatments, we can help. Visit us at Creative Designers in Akron, OH, to see what we can do for you!

Hair Salon | Eyelash Extensions | Nail Salon


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